HOW I SPENT MY 2021 From January to December


HOW I SPENT MY 2021 FROM January to December.

1. On 1st January 2021, I shared how I spent my 2020 from Jan to December

2. On 3rd January I had a meeting with the commissioner of youth about a program called SO-YEEP, which targets the youth, and today because of ICT integration themessage has reached up to 20,000 youth in Sokoto and a lot has benefited already.

3. On 9th January I shoot a video on how to be safe online after sharing your
sensitive information to a fake site.

4. On 12th January I celebrated my birthday for the first time at 25 by cutting a cake (From Dr. Nasir Daniya)and also as a married man. and like always on my
birthday, I hosted computer training for kids.

5. On 17th January, I participated in the
inaugural public-private sector
engagement forum organized by ICT Directorate

6. On 28th January, I talked about Social media platforms and TikTok specifically atVision FM.

7. On 30th January, I took the covid 19 test and the result came negative.
8. On 30th January I trained Nigerian Youth (NYSC) on how they can better theirlives and business using the ICT.

9. On 8th February, I, together with my colleagues and DG ICT went on a
sensitization visit to Darul Ilmi which is headed by a renowned Islamic scholar
Professor Muhammad Dr. Mansur Sokoto mni. 

10.On 10th February. I and my wife started Yamar Smoothie which aims to share
with the general public a unique smoothie that brings together health and

11.On 18th February I shared with the general public how to Convert gasoline
generators to LPG to save cost and reduce global warming.

12.On 20th February, I participated in the NCS program titled System Security in
Nigeria, the opportunities, challenges, and way forward.

13.On 27th February, The Commissioner of youth tried our smoothie and gave a

14.On 8th March I joined my wife to celebrate international women's day, where Wetalk about how men can support their wives to become better versions of theirselves.

15.On 29th March. I met the founder of Le MAMA LOCAL CHOPS INN where we
talked about how we can do a mutual partnership to take Yamar smoothie and LeMAMA LOCAL CHOPS INN to the next level.

16. On 30th March I shared how I started from zero in the field of IT at Waziri TV

17.On 30th March, I talk about social media: opportunities, challenges, and threatsat Rima Fm 97.1.18.On 31st March I share to the general public how one can get 24/7 electricity with
little investment.

19.On 4th April, I started working on a project which involve a generator that requiresnothing to work on.

20.On 5th April, I visited Salahuddeen to talk about entrepreneurship live on

21.On 13th April, I shoot a video on how one can use technology to get closer to
Allah During Ramadan.

22.On 23rd April, I share live on Facebook ways to be using an LPG Generator.

23.On 4th May, I started working with the Center for entrepreneurship at Usmanu
Danfodiyo University Sokoto as an IT Coordinator and Digital skills trainer.

24.On 5th May I shot an appreciation video to thank hundreds of people who
rejoiced with me for my new appointment.

25. on 18th May, I was part of the team from the ICT Directorate including DG ICT tovisit WAZIRI JUNAIDU HISTORY AND CULTURE BUREAU, SOKOTO to see ways itcan be digitalized

26.On 21s May, I designed a logo for Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Social
media office and it was adapted.

27.On 29th May coordinate an online meeting between Sokoto State Scholarshipboard leadership and about 100 Sokoto student in India.

28.on 7th June I made a promotional video for UDUS CED.

29. On 10th June I together with my colleagues from the ICT Directorate visited theoffice of His Excellency, the Deputy Governor of Sokoto to talk about plans toreduce cybercrime across the state.

30.On 12th June I participated in a program by Usmanu Danfodiyo University SocialMedia Office about ‘Etiquettes and Responsibilities of Using Social Media by DGICT"

31.On June 18th I was part of the team at the ICT Directorate that made SOKOTO

32.On 26th June, I contributed to the success of the cyber security meetup whichwas organized by Mtek Global ltd.

33. On 1st July, I went to Tangaza Local Government in Sokoto to fix their computersat the school lab so students can write exams.

34. On 12th July I offered to build a website for Sokoto Reloaded.
35. On 15th July I shared with Senior students from technical college running
Sambo how they can be self-reliant by acquiring soft and hard skills.

36. On 16th July I met with Dr Rilwanu and Hayatuddeen where we talk about manyissues regarding ICT and Community Development.37.On 28th July I with my team contributed to digitizing a weeding dinner at HidimaEvent.

38. On 19th August, We had a meeting at ICT Directorate with some creative
innovators in the state

39.On 29th August, I started translating the Google Digital Marketing course to
Hausa so our people can learn and Understand better.

40.On 30th August, made a video about online opportunities.

41.On 1st September, I took an official digital portrait and update all my profiles.

42.On 4th September I talked about Facebook hacking and how to be safe.

43.On 5th September, I joined Jalaluddeen Aliyu to talk about his success using ICTfor Business.

44.On 9th September I contributed to a program titled the role of ICT in supportingyouth to explore opportunities towards addressing developmental challenges inthe state.

45.On September 9th, I made a video about online presence for businesses.
46.On 10th September, I partnered with the Arewa Computer library to see how wecan promote the use of ICT in the Hausa community.

47. On 11th September I went to NYSC Camp where I show Nigerian youth variousways they can make a living using ICT.

48.on 12th September, I celebrate my first marriage anniversary.

49.on 12th September I made a video of how one can place an advert online.

50.On 16th September I Learned about the 5G network from the Honorable Ministerof Communication and the digital economy.

51.On 18th September, I made a video about how to stay updated online.

52.on 26th September, I met with Saifullah Yusuf to discuss extensively social mediaaccount recovery.

53.On 26th September, I made a video about how a website works.

54.on 30th September, I participated in a program by the Nigerian Internet
Governance Forum tittle internet that works for all.

55.On 1st October, I made a video on how to be safe on Instagram in Hausa and

56.on 5th October, I made a video on how to improve your website

57.On 7th October, I joined Garkuwa FM live to talk about some of my digital
contributions to the community.

58.On 9th October I made a video on creating a website that really helps you achieveyour business goals.

59.On 11th October I represented The DG ICT to deliver a paper on Digital
Generation/revolution ( how we can give equal access and opportunities to girls
so they can grow to be empowered with digital skills which are necessary forsecuring their future.) The program was organized by UNICEF and Sokoto StateUniversal Basic Education Board to celebrate the international day for the

60.On 11th October, I created a practical video on how a website should be.

61.On 12th October, I decided to focus on my master's.

62.On 19th October, I received an invitation to talk at TEDXArkilla.
63.On 6th November I became a TED Speaker, where I talk about how the little youknow can take you places.

64.On 7th November I learned the concept of simplicity from Dr. Ahmed Adamu.

65.On 11th November I joined DG ICT as he share the impact of social media for
wealth creation on Nigerian Youth.

66.On 11th November I made a video on how to build a website that's user-friendly.

67.On 18th November, I received IT students from Ummaru Ali Shinkafi PolytechnicSokoto, Where I introduced how Sokoto State media corporations were able to
grow from zero to here using technology.

68.On 20th November, I created a promotional video for the center for
entrepreneurship development, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.

69.On 21st November, I met Sadiq Mai Jama and Haruna Zarrumai to talk about
some ICT-related issues.

70.On 24th November, I start lecturing students from Usmanu Danfodiyo University,ICT for Business operations.

71.On 29th November, I met Oladimeji OluwaTunmise who is an electrician wantingto explore digital opportunities.

72.On 1st December, I paid for 5 people to learn cryptocurrency.

73. On 1st December, I lectured students of Usmanu Danfodiyo University on how touse their smartphones to design quality Logos.

74.On 2nd December, I contributed to the program titled Youth Hotline where the
speakers talk about gender-based violence, the way forward, in celebration of 16days of activism.

75.On 3rd December, I started an online class to teach several ways you can makemoney online with your laptop or smartphone.

76.On 6th December, I met Dr. Shadi Sabeh to talk about possible ways to be
producing practical digital-oriented students from the primary to the secondarysection of the school.

77.On 8th December, I paid for 5 people to learn the role of volunteer services in
community development.

78.on 8th December, I join my colleagues at the ICT Directorate to visit the EFCC
office in preparation for a statewide cybercrime awareness campaign.

79. On 8th December, I took an online student from Usmanu Danfodiyo UniversitySokoto where I talked about how to use some apps to better your life andbusiness.

80. On 11th December, I received IT students from IUOL University in Sokoto.

81.On 18th December, I presented a paper Titled Digital Journalism.
82.Where I talk about all that you need to start as a journalist from zero to hero. at aMaster Class organized by AD Dalil Press Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

83.On 23rd December, I contributed to the program titled Youth Hotline where the
speakers talk about insecurity in Nigeria at Garkuwa FM.

84+ And many others which were not captured by social media, Videos, texts or pictures. 

Papers Presented: 7
Videos Created: 75
Mobile Application Built: 8
Website Built: 14
Hacked Account Recovered: 21
Organizations Visited: 13
Skills Learned: 5
Skills Mastered: 3

Alhamdulillah, 2021 has been fair enough, May Allah give us all the ability to do more in 2022.


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